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Let’s talk about Design Thinking @WPCouchCon

Today everyone is building something… Trying to change the world… Some succeed and some don’t… But can there be a mantra… a process… a formula… that would allow us to reduce the failures? Something that can act as a guiding trail to help us make decisions that will...

JavaScript ES6+ : Symbols

Symbol is the 7th primitive type in JavaScript after number, string, object, boolean, null and undefined. Symbols are unique identifiers that have descriptors. Symbols can avoid naming collisions. We cannot loop over symbols. const FirstTestSymbol =...

JavaScript ES6+ : Promises

Promises are object that will produce some data in future or will return an error why the promised data was not produced. then() callback function is used to intimate when the resolved data is returned. catch() is chained to then() to check for any errors that must...

JavaScript ES6+ : Spread & Rest Operator

Spread takes all the items in the specified iterables (arrays, objects etc) and copies it. const indoorActivities = ['Table Tennis', 'Carrom', 'Chess', 'Gym']; const outdoorActivities = ['Swimming Pool', 'Badminton Court', 'Tennis Court']; const clubFacilites...

CSS Grid Primer

This post is intended for experienced HTML developers who wants primer of CSS Grid. I wrote this post while going through the CSSGrid course by WesBos and it covers everything about CSS Grid, right from Fundamentals, Setting up the grid, Sizing and placing the grid...

JavaScript ES6+ : For Of Loops

For Of loops are new in Javascript and can be used to loop on any kind of iterable data except object. Iterable data are Arrays, String, Map, Set, Generator etc. For Of loop does not loop over other properties of the prototype and other methods. It also allows us to...

JavaScript ES6+ : Destructuring

Destructuring allows us to extract data from Objects, Arrays, Maps & Sets. It allows you to write DRY code. Object Destructuring You will have to use "{}" (curly braces) for Object Destructuring. const facilityDetails = { name: 'Swimming Pool', capacity: 25,...

JavaScript ES6+ : Arrow Functions

Arrow functions are new in ES6. They are concise, have implicit returns and does not rebound the value of "this" when arrow function is used inside another function. const moduleNames = ["One", "Club", "Finance"]; // Map names without Arrow functions const...


2017 had been an year of learning, a year of friendships, a year of finding love, a year of finding a purpose and pursuing it. This is to remember everyone who has helped me by their actions, words, guidance & care. I want to thank them by this list (and I hope, I...

Unwelcomed Change…

It's 2:30 am on 25th October 2017, 5 days after Ajit & I started the Keto Diet with all the bells and whistles, everything that we had planned together has fallen apart. When I was hit by the biggest vertigo attack I have ever had in my life on the night of 23rd...

It’s time to change…

It's been over a decade where I have spent more than 80% of my time sitting and staring at a screen trying to build something for me or my clients. The primary focus of life to achieve something, do something that no one else was able to do in my family lineage. But...

#WCUdaipur2017 ? ? ?

After attending and speaking at #WCNashik, there was no way I was going to miss the first WordCamp of 2017 “#WCUdaipur2018”. In this post, I have articulated what we did in #WCUdaipur2017.

Let's Talk

If you liked what you have seen, then let’s connect and make something amazing together.

Email me at or send a DM on my twitter @jaymanpandya